
Meeting Details

Meeting details and materials are provided below. If registration is open, you can update your attendance preferences below. You will receive notification via email upon registration and when updates are made to the meeting, such as a time or location change.

Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee

June 04, 2024
Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee

Meeting Materials

05.29.2024 Agenda PDF
05.29.2024 Agenda-doc DOC
05.29.2024 Draft Minutes - TEAC - 4.3.2024 PDF
05.30.2024 Initial Review and Screening - 2023 RTEP Window 2 - Cluster 1 PDF
05.30.2024 Initial Review and Screening - 2023 RTEP Window 2 - Clusters 2 - 3 and 5 PDF
05.31.2024 Initial Review and Screening - 2023 RTEP Window 2 - Clusters 4 and 6 PDF
05.29.2024 Item 01 - NJBPU Presentation PDF
05.29.2024 Item 02 - Interregional Planning Update PDF
05.29.2024 Item 03 - Generation Deactivation Notification Update PDF
06.25.2024 Item 04 - Market Efficiency Update PDF
05.23.2024 Item 05 - AEP Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 06 - PPL Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 07 - PECO Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 08 - DEOK Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 09 - ATSI Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 10 - APS Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 11 - JCPL Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 12 - Dominion Supplemental Projects PDF
05.23.2024 Item 13 - Dominion Breaker Replacements Immediate Need Update PDF
05.23.2024 Item 14 - Operational Performance 765kV Reactor Switchable Immediate Need Project 2nd Read PDF
05.30.2024 Item 15 - Cost Allocation for RMR Units PDF
06.03.2024 Item 16 - Reliability Analysis Update PDF
05.30.2024 Informational Only - Aggregate Maps - June PDF
05.23.2024 Informational Only - Dominion Carson Ladysmith Breaker Replacement Immediate Need Review PDF
05.29.2024 Informational Only - M-3 Process Needs Status XLS
05.29.2024 Informational Only - Planning Community Open Questions XLS
06.03.2024 Informational Only - PROMOD Congestion Report Year 2029 XLS