Services Request Status

In accordance with the Tariff Part VII, Subpart B, section 304, PJM performed a load flow analyses (Transition Sort Retool) on 616 projects in the AE1-AG1 queues to determine whether each project would either (i) qualify for the Expedited Process or (ii) be reprioritized to Transition Cycle 1 (TC1). Projects with the text “moved to TC1” next to their queue number on this page were determined to be not eligible for the Expedited Process and therefore have been included in TC1. For a complete list of the projects that have moved to TC1, please visit the Expedited Process / TC1 Classification page. 

The study reports available on this Services Request Status page for the projects that have moved to TC1 are no longer valid and will be retained on this page for record purposes only. By TC1/Decision Point 1, scheduled in May 2024, PJM will release updated Phase 1 System Impact Study reports, which will be made available on a new website being developed for TC1.

Definitions of terms and columns can be found in the Excel file linked below.

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